Nikolai Gogol, I think I have some ideas on coaching, but listen, coaches work harder than players. Burroughs stared harder than ever. Example: My dad always likes to catch forty winks after lunch. A bag of money can be a symbol not only of wealth, but also of tremendous inflation. Why not tryGrammarly's free proofreading tool. If you were the one to say Ill have to remember that one to use it some day and then forgot, well here is where you can find it. Explanation: to do something in an easy and very cheap way; to reduce time, money, expenses. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. Above everything else, they respect success. Along the same lines of teamwork makes the dream work, to express that many hands make light work means that the more people are involved, the easier the job is. He would light her way instead, he promised. But nobody realised what was happening. days some harder others than quotes quotesgram Here comes another animal idiom about working hard. 42, K. 41, L. 22, M. 18, N. 28, O. That boy is about as sharp as a cue ball. Example: I understand you want to be a famous singer, but dont chase rainbows. Oh, it's completely changed my body. The tenth is humming. Alexandra Chando, Why is it harder to leave a loveless marriage than a loving one? "not worth a patch on his (another person's) ass" Changes are like obstacles on a speed course. 53. That boy was shaking like a dog shittin hammer handles. youre my favorite turd, I wouldnt shit ya. You think a quarter horse is a ride in front of the Wal Mart. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. ~ Submitted by Jan (st.louis MO), Busier than a one-armed paper hanger. They were discussing the girl who was his new crush when she walked in. That looks like two pigs fightn over a Jeaniene Frost, We're Americans, and we have a rendezvous with destiny No people who have ever lived on this earth have fought harder, paid a higher price for freedom, or done more to advance the dignity of man than Americans. Without wings, he couldn't reach anyways. Your email address will not be published. No, not this time Im paying the bill. idioms difficulties 7esl idiom esl ingls idiomatic eslbuzz solving aprender grammar sayings englishidioms Gosh you really are going to work your fingers to the bone if you carry on like this.. For example, you might be part of a sports team or collaborating with classmates in an educational setting. Charles Haddon Spurgeon, I've always been amused by the contention that brain work is harder than manual labor. It checks as you write and helps you correct and improve your spelling and grammar. Tim Howard, Don't work harder than your competition, be your own competition. When you burn the candle at both ends you are working too hard, normally from early in the morning to late at night. "not tough enough to kick the shit out of your own pants" Explanation: a way of asking someone elses thoughts., ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*, "Wish in one hand and shit in the other and see which one gets filled the fastest. idioms learn english clickonenglish tougher than. "may be small but he's wound tight" "Two ax handles wide across the ass"or for REALLY wide, "2 ax handles and a rain barrel" For example, Ever since she inherited $5 million from her father, shes been on easy street., To be hard on someone means to treat that person very strictly or harshly. harsher than. "skinny as a raffle turkey" Here is our second sock-related saying about working. Daria Snadowsky, You find that you have to do many things, more than just lift up the camera and shoot, and so you get involved in it in a very physical way. N.Y. charges against Trump are more complicated, harder to prosecute than the other possible cases. 5. "Hotter than a whore house on dollar day." Everything was up in the air when I last spoke to him about it. To learn English idioms better, weve prepared some exercises that will help you test your knowledge. Example: Anne is drawing a longbow. Craig Ferguson, It's harder to build than destroy. "An idiom (also called idiomatic expression) is an expression, word, or phrase that has a figurative meaning". There are loads more easy idioms you can use to describe things that happen easily. Busier then a one legged man in an ass kickin contest!!! He was asleep while she was doing stars. "you can't get blood out of a turnip" I have always felt that the surest way to qualify for the job just ahead is to work a little. stricter than. 9, B. I can empathize with characters. Children with autism have good memories. If you get off easy, it means you receive a lighter punishment for a crime or a bad action. shorter than. "up Shit Creek without a paddle" When you step into the ring, you gotta know you deserve to win. "Useless as a pocketful of paper assholes." "I just smiled. To fail and persevere is a harder test than any you will meet on the practice-field. This means you are trying to do too many things in the day and are not getting enough sleep. Shes first in and the last out every day. That truck couldnt pull a spoon out of a cats ASS! Your boat has not left the drive-way in 15 years. I needed to get it the fuck together. You think a turtleneck is key ingredient for soup. It's how life comes. He would be her Polaris, her celestial navigator, her astral guide. When you sign up for English tips by e-mail. Explanation: be brave and courageous in a tough situation. "Doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground" Example: Ive been so bad lately that I thought Im losing my marbles. "happier than a pig in shit" "ugly as sin" Some people may "wouldn't say shit if he had a mouthful" falling punishment laugh dismount idiom wordsonimages lyrics doh humorous awfully I can do that, because I have to. "a crock of shit" Thomas A Kempis, Normal life is presentable. Some links on this page may be affiliate links which allow us to earn commission at no extra cost to you. Dennis Prager, Must I go to turn to my Bible to shew a preacher where it is written, that a man's soul is more worth than a world, much more than a hundred pounds a year; much more are many souls worth? This is the first time well mention socks in this compilation of hard work idioms but keep a look out for the second time further down. Sammy Davis Jr. They demand your attention and require you to be present. Youve ever hit a deer with your cardeliberately. How much harder would it be than never knowing what it felt like in the first place? Sixty-seven percent of the 1,019 American adults surveyed in March said hard work is "very important" to them, in a poll conducted by The Wall Street Journal with the And yet there is no more exciting an adventure than trying to be honest in this way. "faster than a striped-ass jaybird" some harder others days than quotes quotesgram subscribe If you need to describe the weather or use the weather to emphasize a point then there are lots of fun weather idioms or snow idioms to boost your English. He stole 100$. You can't be serious about that! "more nervous than a whore in church" Example: My daughter has given me some food for thought about how she organizes her toys. Madder than a pack of wild dogs on a three legged cat. Author: Terry Tempest Williams. If you're just beginning an exercise routine, don't push yourself too hard in the beginning, to avoid injury. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* So fill them with as many good experiences as possible. idioms Steven Seagal, Nothing is harder yet nothing is more necessary, than to speak of certain things whose existence is neither demonstrable nor probable. Similies for hard work include working like Mike, its Friday night lets go out and enjoy ourselves. Get Your Laugh on with these funny redneck sayings: He fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down. Andrew S. Tanenbaum, I was harder than Dante. Example: Its always easiest to break the ice after Ive had a few drinks. I hope you enjoyed them. Explanation: to be extremely happy or cheerful. Kim Yuna, The only thing harder than forgiveness is the alternative. I am going to_______________. Save my name, email, and site URL in my browser for next time I post a comment. Oh, speak of the devil, there she is. Ronald Reagan, And our task is harder even than that," he said, "for we also have to invoke the grey fumes without denying the palpitating breath of roses. If you don't experience something firsthand, it's a lot harder to accept. If you are idle or sick or poor, however hard it may be to diminish your wants, it will be harder to augment your means. That would be like two pigs fightn over a Explanation: Its better to show than to tell; illustration conveys a stronger message than words. I needed something other than loss and heartbreak and late nights and your grandmother is in the hospital and you're dehydrated and your cat isn't coming home and your knees will never get better and he doesn't want you and you need to work less and he doesn't love you and you need to work harder and you this that and the other. Dont let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya. - Sitemap, every day we fill up with anxiety just makes life much. Terry Brooks, Bearers of the Black Staff, p 89 Terry Brooks, It is harder to end a war, than begin one. Redman Chewing Tobacco sends you a Christmas card. By combining words that have completely different individual meanings, we get idioms. I have never eaten Mexican food, but I will ______________ . 'There are many lessons before you, some harder than this one All too often things are blurry, though, John. (see also hard liquor .) Jay Maisel, Rest assured it is harder to know how to be full than it is to know how to be hungry-so desperate is the tendency of human nature to pride and forgetfulness of God. Peter is still new in his job; give him some time to ______________. Apr 13, 2012 at 15:35. Example: Anne said the test would be difficult, but it was a piece of cake. Gregory Nunn, Someday was the thing he had, because it was a lot harder to ruin than today. This old truck wouldnt pull a slick prick out of a lard bucket. WebEnglish idioms with hard be hard on someone To be hard on someone means to treat that person very strictly or harshly. Nenia Campbell, In truth, in the fairy-tale version of bailing out Lehman, the next domino, A.I.G., would have fallen even harder. sharper than. however than. Well, Id smack the fire out of em if they acted that way around me. Explanation: something easily done, simple task, or work. Example: How could the murderer be as cool as a cucumber after doing such serious crimes? Tighter than a skeeters ass in a nose dive. Its hotter than a billygoat with a blowtorch. "Lying like a snake in the grass" Aint no point in beatin a dead horsecourse, cant hurt none either. "Up & down like a whore's drawers" (refers to a nervous person, up & down) Example: Susan is on cloud nine since she got married. "took off like a cat hit in the ass with a boot jack" He has the ability to work harder and endure more stress than anyone I've ever met," Gracias said. "dumber than a sled rack" "Eyes are shit-color brown." "slow as mud" ", About men."When I was hard I was soft and when I was soft I was hard. When the characters are good, they make you care about everything else. The full version, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, suggests that working too much makes you an uninteresting person and that you should relax a little and enjoy life. For example, My parents were quite hard on me they punished me for any grades lower than 90%.. What does easier said than done expression mean? "knee high to a grasshopper" WebGaining people's trust might be harder than gaining all creation. Richelle E. Goodrich, It is harder to hide the feelings we have than to feign the ones we do not have. Madder than a one legged woman at the ihop. If you tell someone Take it easy! as a command, you are telling them to be calmer and not so excited or upset. Jeanette Murray, We are doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past, and no amount of education gleaned from our propensity for self-destruction and misguided thinking ever teaches us anything. This is an informal way to say theres no anger or resentment (bad feelings against someone that continue for a long time). Imagine your friend is getting married next month and has invited you to his wedding, but your boss has scheduled you to take a business trip at the same time, so you wont be able to attend your friends wedding. "Ugly enough to scare buzzards off a gut wagon". "Colder than a witch's tit in a brass bra" It does have a more literal meaning: if it has snowed a lot and perhaps you cant see your car, you may say that itssnowed under. Shes so clumsy she could trip over a cordless phone! Example: The manager fired his employee because he had sticky fingers. Learning new words is not sufficient to become a fluent English speaker but idioms and proverbs can truly boost your knowledge. "busier than a one-legged man in an ass kickin contest" Explanation: the hardest part of something is over, but the situation isnt still good. stronger than. There are many idioms that are well known and frequently used among the native speakers, but some of them become old and rarely used. "actin' like her tits got caught in a wringer" You think Taco Bell is the Mexican phone book. For more expressions, contact Justlearn English tutors and book your first trial lesson. Thats lower then quail shit in a wagon rut! Thats worthless as chicken crap on the pump handle. G. 37, H. 3, I. Generally speaking, there are four types of idioms: pure idioms, binomial idioms, partial idioms, and prepositional idioms. strong quotes days some harder others than lovethispic sayings quote quotesgram twitter hard Its not right to blame only the other woman for his adulterous affair -__________________. If you have a favorite redneck saying, redneck quote or funny redneck slang you would like to share please do so with our add a quote form in the right column. "colder than a witches tit" "cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey" Sorry my love, Im not going to make it home for dinner as Im snowed under at worked.. Your mom gives you tips on how to sneak booze into sporting events. Busier than a cat covering up shit on a concrete floor. "Two ax handles wide across the ass"or for REALLY wide, "2 ax handles and a rain barrel" "Uglier than the east end of a horse headed west. Copyright 2023 Famous Quotes & Sayings. And that participation may spur you on to work harder on the thing, because in the physical change of position you start seeing a whole different relationship. But that's okay. "as busy as a one-armed barber with the hives" If a frog had wings he wouldnt bump his butt when he hops. You think a chain saw is a musical instrument. Well shes finer than a frog hair split 8 ways! Enjoy reading and share 100 famous quotes about Harder Than with everyone. When you do extra work, more than is expected of you, then your colleagues may say you go the extra mile. Southern Voice:a few funny redneck sayings and a photo of my pet dear. The best of both worlds means you can enjoy two different opportunities at the same time. Any furrow or channel on a bodily structure or part. Example: Just hold your peace if you dont have anything smart to say. Cassandra Clare, It's much harder to play beloved than to play a rotten guy. RELATED ( 20 ) weaker than. "mouth as dry as popcorn fart" "lazier than Hall's dog" Julie James, It is time to face real world, even if it is harder and painful. The expression pull a few strings is mainly used in business; however, it can apply any time you need to get a goal accomplished quickly. All Rights Reserved. Have second thoughts Have doubts. Example: It's a lot tougher than that. There is no harder work I can think of than taking myself off to somewhere pleasant, where I am forced to stay for hours and 'have fun'. "built like a brick shit house" A similar expression is burning the midnight oil, which means you are working or studying late into the night. He really wants to go to that event. "didn't know whether to shit or wind his watch" I'd rather fly and crash, than just snuggle and sleep. "harder than a whore's heart" Example: You have to earn your own bread and butter. (Compare this with soft.) To be hard on someone means to treat that person very strictly or harshly. Idioms for Difficult (idioms and sayings about Difficult). Explanation: an idea to think about; think about things that can arise from an event or situation. Boy was shaking like a dog shittin hammer handles not only of,! > < /img > tougher than that might be harder than players feelings we have than to beloved! 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