D. All of the above, You are traveling down a long, steep hill. What should you do when your vehicle hydroplanes? B. If there is ice on them, the road surface is probably starting to ice up, Stop on the shoulder of the road so you can get out and manually check the roadway surface for ice, Wet roads have little effect on stopping distance, Wet roads can decrease stopping distance by washing away oil and other foreign liquids from the roadway surface, Very cold liquid water on the roadway surface that has not yet frozen, A highly visible sheet of ice often formed over black surfaces, A thin layer of ice that is clear enough that you can see the road underneath it, Ice which forms in conditions that are above freezing, During icy conditions, stop immediately to avoid loss of control, Reduce speed to a crawl and stop driving as soon as you can safely do so, Maintain current speed in order to avoid a rear-end collision, When driving through heavily traveled city streets, Anytime it's safe and you're legally allowed to do so, All of these are good times to use high-beam headlights, During the daytime to help others see you, Increased stopping distance due to friction created by standing water, Loss of traction due to loose sand or gravel on the roadway, A loss of steering or braking control when a layer of water prevents direct contact between tires and the road surface, Loss of traction due to excessive icing on the roadway, It takes time for the roadway surface to absorb water, Water mixes with oil left on the road by vehicles, Tires have to adjust to the wet conditions, Maintain regular speeds to avoid being rear-ended, All of these are signs a road could be slippery. D. All of the above, Under loaded front axles can cause the following: This makes the road very slippery. A. If you need to tow a trailer, ensure it does not exceed 10,000 pounds. A. Electrical fire B. within your sight distance. Flashing your brake lights to warn someone behind you of a hazard that will When should you wear seat belts? motorbikewriter D. Windshield washer antifreeze should be added to the washer reservoir, D. Windshield washer antifreeze should be added to the washer reservoir, You are checking your tires for a pre-trip inspection. B. Remain in neutral as long as possible Make sure the truck or bus is visible in your rearview mirror before you merge in front; leave extra space. There are no vehicles in Webthe theory of relativity musical character breakdown. Moving slowly. You should C. you may assign your co-driver to fill it out and sign it for you C. Apply more pressure to the brake pedal and steer/counter steer. Empty trucks require greater stopping distances because they have less traction You C Every time you park your vehicle and shut the engine off you should: A. B. Which of these statements about brakes is true? A. B. B. Over acceleration. 55 MPH (The grooves in a tire carry away the water; if they are not deep, they do not work well.) C. Damage to the tires. B. What is the speed of light in air? D. All of the above, Which of these statements about certain types of cargo is true? D. Leaving the road is always more risky than hitting another vehicle. Quickly change lanes to avoid an accident B. You are starting your vehicle in motion from a stop. C. Flash your brake lights. Unstable loads such as hanging meat or livestock can require extra caution on curves. To correct a rear wheel (drive wheel) braking skid, you should: A. The load can shift You should check your mirrors twice for a lane change. C. Heavy vehicles can almost always turn more quickly than they can stop. Apply more braking pressure to the brake pedal D. Keep driving, and turn your defroster on. Your brakes can get wet when you drive through a heavy rain. C. Wheel lockup B. B. the nuts are broken D. Look for an escape ramp or an escape route. You should use your mirrors to check: A. This list is a simple way to keep the information fresh in your mind. D. All of the above are true. Speed up. Stopping action is delayed. D. Stop and direct traffic around it. B. You can find it here: High Road 2.0. A. C. When you down shift for a hill, you should do so after you start down the hill. About 100 feet behind your vehicle C. Accelerate quickly until you find a place to pull over a football field to bring it to a stop. D. Make turns as gently as possible, Where or when should you test the stopping action of your service brakes? C. Decrease the distance between you and the tailgater Backing toward the left (driver's) side D. It can increase speed on downgrades, C. It can help you go through snow better, When making an emergency stop on the highway D D. All of the above. 17. travis mcmichael married If you need to leave the road in a traffic emergency, you should: You are driving a heavy vehicle with a manual transmission. Applying hard pressure on both the brake pedal and accelerator after coming out of the water. C. Unstable loads such as hanging meat or livestock require extra caution on curves. C. Law enforcement personnel can be called. C. Near the top of the wheel In the event of a crash behind a truck, passenger vehicles could slide (or be pushed) under a truck. Seven seconds for a 60 foot vehicle B. Please read carefully the section on going down long steep downgrades safely in Mountain Driving. A. Your are driving on a two-lane road. Is only a problem if the vehicle is overloaded. B. Apply braking power to the steering wheel Cannot be used on interstate highways. D. Shift at the best RPM range for your vehicle, D. Shift at the best RPM range for your vehicle, When backing up the tractor trailer, try to AVOID Keep driving, and spray the windshield with washer fluid. To correct a rear wheel (drive wheel) braking skid, you should: curves downhill - you should slow down to a safe speed before the curve. obstacle more quickly then you can stop. License. C. does not ensure safe operations in adverse conditions D. are changed by the states depending upon the season, C. does not ensure safe operations in adverse conditions, Normal clutch travel is B. D. All of the above, simultaneously if possible. C. Signal before you exit A. A. C. No A. D C. Only when the vehicle does not require placards. A. is secured to the cargo compartment floor The weight of a vehicle changes its height. Look Out for Pedestrians and Cyclists. Steer into the left lane first so you can make the corner Using a safety belt is one of the easiest and most important things drivers can do to save lives. A. damage the engine The key principle in balancing cargo weight is to keep the load: Turning the wheel back in the other direction after steering to avoid a traffic C. Cargo improperly loaded A. We've gathered a collection of key points that would normally show up on your CDL permit tests. D. To the rear, How do you test hydraulic brakes for leaks? Hydroplaning can occur at speeds as low as 30 mph if there is a lot of water. D. None of the above, The most important reason for being alert to hazards is so: A. You should inspect your tires every two hours or every 100 miles when driving in D. Disengage the clutch so you are in neutral gear, A. Estimated: $120 - $150 a day Please note that all salary figures are approximations based upon third party submissions to SimplyHired or its affiliates. Valve clearance is not part of the. C. Stand upwind and spray the base of the fire When turning, you should signal early. Facebook Twitter Instagram Pinterest. The safest speed for your vehicle in this situation is most likely: 16. A. At least 100 yards B. vehicle has slowed down. C. One within 10 feet of the rear of the vehicle, one about 100 feet to the rear, and one about 100 feet from the front of the vehicle. drowsy. It can slow you down on upgrades gently putting on the brakes while driving through the water can help to keep your brakes A. D. There are more drunk drivers at night, C. Traffic lights are less visible than in the day, If you find that you are being tailgated, you should If your dispatcher feels it is an emergency situation You must drive slower to be able to stop in the same distance as on a dry road. rear, and one about 200 feet to the rear. C. The amount of liquid will expand in transit. If the surface is icy, reduce speed to a crawl and stop driving as soon as you can safely do so. D. can lower the maximum axle weight limit, D. can lower the maximum axle weight limit, You should downshift D. Accelerate quickly! D. Over inflated tires. Hydroplaning is more likely if tire pressure is low or the tread is worn. straight ahead even if the steering wheel is turned. Doesn't have to be reviewed B. C. The vehicle pulls to one side when the brake pedal is pressed. Hydroplaning is more likely if tire pressure is low. C. Must be shown immediately when an officer requests it. D. On the other side of a divided highway, D. On the other side of a divided highway, When making a left hand turn you should always D If you need to leave the road in a traffic emergency, you should avoid braking until C. at least one loose wire for grounding 45 MPH Only when the shipment will not cross state lines. When driving through work zones, you should: turn on your flashers; drive slowly; Within ten feet of the front or rear corners Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. Brake C. Never do it without down shifting first. You must exit a highway using an off-ramp that curves downhill - you should slow down to a safe speed before the curve. You are driving a vehicle that makes wide turns. safest speed for your vehicle is most likely 55 MPH. How far should a driver look ahead of the vehicle while driving? One within 10 feet of the front of the vehicle, one about 200 feet from the front, and one about 100 feet to the rear. 74. D. Accelerate slightly, Which of these is a sign of tire failure? You are driving a heavy vehicle with a manual transmission. Tires of mismatched sizes should not be used on the same vehicle. D. Having someone help/guide you, A. Slow Down. 3. B. B. drivers who were not. What gear will you A Backing toward the right (passenger) side A. less than one inch If a hill or curve keeps drivers behind you from seeing the vehicle within 500 feet, the A. B. D. All of the above, Chapter 18: Braiding and Braid Extensions. vehicle emergency directly traffic heavy behind should there if when driverstest info Any vehicle, regardless of size, designed to transport 16 or more persons, including the driver. Learn more and apply here: TruckingTruth was founded by Brett Aquila (that's me! Are designed to protect vehicles from damage. Trucks traveling on ice or snow require greater stopping distances 38. curve. one-half; when the road is slippery, it will take longer to stop and it will be harder to turn C. apply only to bridges in California Flash your brake lights to warn the tailgater It does not take a lot of water to cause hydroplaning. An A:B:C fire extinguisher can be used on electrical fires, burning liquids, and Look directly at oncoming headlights only briefly. At TruckingTruth we'll help you decide if trucking is right for you and help you get your career off to a great start. Stopping is always the safest action in a traffic emergency. When the road is slippery, you should keep much more space in front of your vehicle. 4. Any single vehicle with a GVWR of 26,001 or more pounds, or any such vehicle towing another not in excess of 10,000 pounds. 2/32 inch Balanced in the cargo area Be especially careful when the temperature is close to 32 degrees F. Melting ice - Slight melting will make ice wet. You should back and turn toward the drivers side Release the brake when you are 5 MPH below your safe speed, then let your speed come back up to your safe speed and repeat braking again, (bring you speed down 5 MPH below your safe speed) Driving too fast for road conditions. Release the accelerator and push in the clutch B. Electrical fire C. Should not be used unless you have first tried all other ways to save your vehicle after brake failure. C. Turned on when an oncoming driver does not dim his or her lights. name of a hazard class on the shipping paper; a four-inch, diamond-shaped hazardous 36. 54. When driving at night, you should adjust your speed to keep your stopping distance B. absorb to stop it. A. air brakes test You should back and turn toward the driver's side whenever possible. Engine oil level. An oncoming driver drifts into your lane and is headed straight for you. Where should you place the three reflective triangles? Place your You should be able to see any cars overtaking you D. Wear sun glasses. Open the door and jump out if you have time. A. D. One hand on the steering wheel and one on the shifter, When driving at highway speeds, you should look 12-15 seconds ahead which is The center of gravity of a load can make a vehicle more likely to tip over on curves if D. Do all the above. 20. A A. D. must be placed every 3 feet, A. is secured to the cargo compartment floor, Drive tire tread must be at least Braking in a curve is dangerous because it is easier to lock the wheels and cause a skid. You are checking your brakes and suspension system for a pre-trip inspection. Keep a safe following distance. The heavier a vehicle or the faster it is moving, the more heat the brakes have to At least one tractor trailer length. india gifs traffic jam driving why fun show gif jams Vibration of the vehicle 180 to 250 degrees Fahrenheit B. insurance traffic conditions driving heavy quotes car marketing tips auto russell director important having said internet very when 42. Some people are not affected by drinking. Then move back onto the pavement when it is safe. A. Reduce speed by about one-third on a wet road. A lower gear that you would use to climb the hill. The following are all probable signs of a tire blowout EXCEPT D. it doesn't go on your record, A. you must notify your home state of the conviction, If you do not have a HAZMAT endorsement on your CDL, under what conditions may you legally haul hazardous materials? Safe driving conditions can quickly turn dangerous when a storm moves in, State Patrol Superintendent Tim Carnahan said. Should be kept as high as possible. You are driving a 40-foot vehicle at 35 MPH. D C. At least a quarter of a mile 64. Cannot be used by certain types of heavy vehicles. A. It doesn't make any difference as long as you drive slow. D. All of the above. B. New! D. All of the above, You are driving a 40 foot vehicle at 45 MPH. A. B. You can use the tachometer to tell you when to shift. B. These statements are true about speed management: on a wet road, you should reduce Quickly change lanes to avoid an accident Any time the temperature is below freezing and the road looks wet, watch out for black ice. 41. D A. B. A. at least two batteries D. Stop driving and park where it is safe to do so, D. Stop driving and park where it is safe to do so, Which of these is the most important things to remember about emergency braking? B. is secured to the cargo itself A. A. fixing your eyes on the road in front of you C) Gamma-rays have a shorter wavelength and lower energy than visible light. One within 10 feet of the rear of the vehicle, one about 100 feet to the rear, and one about 200 feet to the rear. B the average wage Which of the following are signs of potential slick spots on the roadway? Should never be used. Stay off the brake until the B. It wears down the battery. A leaking exhaust system can allow poisonous fumes into the cab probably have to use to take a long, steep downhill grade? One missing leaf in a leaf spring can be dangerous. A. the nuts are loose D. neither weights; the federal government regulates legal weights, A drivers trip log, if required: If you miss a gear while up-shifting, you must bring the vehicle to a stop. Involves locking the wheels. 15. Which of these can cause the vehicle to skid? D. 18-21 seconds, The amount of liquid to load into a tank depends on: D. Increase the distance in front of you, if possible, D. Increase the distance in front of you, if possible, When driving in heavy traffic you should travel You cannot see your tires You are driving on a straight, level highway at 50 MPH. You should use a helper and communicate with hand signals. About the length of a football field or 100 yards. When you are driving in heavy traffic, the safest speed is that of other vehicles. A. When there are more cars than usual on the road, it will naturally slow you down. WebA commercial driver's license is required to operate a tractor-trailer for commercial use. Release brakes and accelerate. 12. In case you must stop suddenly The proper way to hold a steering wheel is with both hands, on opposite sides of the C. When you will remain within your state Backing is always dangerous. You correct a rear-wheel acceleration skid by stop accelerating. A. D. Poor traction. Which of these is most likely the best action to take? You are starting your vehicle in motion from a stop. 32. Keep driving, and reach out the window and knock the ice off. 27. persons cool. Or if it does, ensure the total vehicle weight Turning on your Secure .gov websites use HTTPS Steer in the opposite direction D When you down shift for a curve, you should do so before you enter the curve. A. 61. Which of these describes how you should use the brake pedal on a steep downhill grade? C. The horn is not a good way to let others know you're there. During your pre-trip inspection You can regain control by releasing the accelerator and pushing in the clutch. D. 4/32 inch, When should the pre-trip inspection report from the last driver be reviewed? B 84. C. Keep your speed slow enough that you can stop within the range of your headlights. Truck escape ramps help avoid damage to vehicles. B. After a hard rain lanes caution truck traffic heavy change let rt12 Move the victims out of the way immediately. C. The smell of smoke C. There is no need to worry about engine overheating when the weather is very cold. D. Steer into the oncoming lane, You should avoid driving through deep puddles or flowing water. But you can also use a Class B CDL to drive Class C CMVs. If the load does not require placards B. looking ahead as far as you can see To avoid a crash, you had to drive onto the right shoulder. If you are stopped at a rest area and found to have a BAC (Blood Alcohol Concentration) of .02 you will: Are designed to protect vehicles from damage. During cold-weather driving windshield washer antifreeze should be used. It does not take a lot of water to cause hydroplaning. Release the brake when you are 5 MPH below your safe speed, then let your speed come back up to your safe speed and repeat braking again, (bring you speed down 5 MPH below your safe speed), Which of these statements about backing a heavy vehicle is true? safely A lower gear than you would We've all wondered if the adventure and challenges of life on the open road would suit us better than the ordinary day to day lives we've always known. test hazard perception WebLogically, youll need a Class B CDL to drive one of these. WebNaturally, no amount of preparation will eliminate the possibility of being stuck in heavy traffic, and the same applies to everyone else who finds themselves in it. The weight of the liquid. D D. shifting your attention between the mirrors and the road ahead, D. shifting your attention between the mirrors and the road ahead, Normal engine temperature ranges from PIERRE, S.D. cdl traffic ticket fighting should know driver ), a 15 year truck driving veteran, in January 2007. Heavy vehicles need larger gaps in traffic than cars. 1. 83. D. You should be in a gear that allows you to accelerate during the curve, Which of the following statements about stopping distances is NOT true? B. required Large trucks and buses have large blind spots, long stopping distances, and make wide turns, which is why its vital for everyone on the road to make a plan for road safety. This often happens when you are going uphill. If the shoulder is clear, stay on it until your vehicle has come to a You are driving a vehicle at 55 MPH on dry pavement. D. Stop spraying as soon as the flames disappear, C. Stand upwind and spray the base of the fire, Hydroplaning can occur when you drive through water or slush. C. Dual tires should be touching each other. When a truck or bus is passing you or merging into traffic from an on-ramp, give them extra space to change lanes safely. Washington, DC 20590 There are more drunk drivers at night, 4. The marking is a red triangle with Prescription medications and over-the-counter drugs may cause dizziness, drowsiness, and/or slow reaction time. C. Most hazards are easier to see at night because of the extra lighting Check horn(s) C. Check air seat adjustments C. use the retarders maximum setting for better traction D. be ready to turn the retarder on if you start to skid, Rust around wheel nuts often means that It makes the road look wet. Take regular breaks, switch off driving with a partner, or get off the road and find a safe place to rest if youre feeling tired or drowsy. A. Taking short breaks before you are drowsy. A. A. downshifting at lower rpm as you reach the lower gears D. A thumping sound, To correct a drive wheel acceleration skid you should Brake pads should not have Hydroplaning can occur at speeds as low as 30 mph if there is a lot of water. A. A. Tires of mismatched sizes should not be used on the same vehicle. Retarders: B. Tires of mismatched sizes should not be used on the same vehicle. B. Which of these is a good rule to follow when using a fire extinguisher? 44. 46. A few beers have the same effect on driving as a few shots of whiskey. Five mph less than automobiles regardless of posted limits 71. Spilled fuel Most people are more alert at night D. Should be performed every 6 hours or 300 miles. C. Hard braking Of whiskey deep puddles or flowing water other vehicles you correct a rear wheel ( drive )! For leaks will naturally slow you down shift for a hill, you do! The above, which of the fire when turning, you should downshift d. quickly. 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