Ultimately, nothing makes people feel more engaged and enthused about their work than feeling listened to. The suggestion scheme, called Ideas Unlimited, is part of a range of initiatives designed to achieve that goal. Sign up by entering your e-mail address in the box below. In its simplest form, a suggestion scheme elicits suggestions from employees, classify them, and dispatch them to the experts for evaluation. The punchline is that allowing your employees to see which ideas already have the most support can shape the pattern of future votes. Darroch House
Suggestion schemes improve the employer and employee's relations. However, they are to be used effectively and in a sustainable manner to better the creativity and innovation capacity of the organization in order to improve competitive advantage. Inspiration doesnt always strike between 9am and 5pm. Every individual takes an interest and pride in his work and is keen to make continuous improvements to his organization. Sometimes the smallest ideas make a significant difference. When asked to review and consider employee suggestions, they are reluctant, feeling they will lose respect of their staff if they dont maintain complete control. A digital approach to improvement allows folks to submit their thoughts whenever they have them and often even on the mobile device theyve got in their pocket. Your email address will not be published. You will get maximum employee buy-in when your employees feel part of the change driving the business, rather than being subject to its effects. Your staff can see all sorts of ways that things could be made better for the customer and the company. Staff can be cynical about engagement programmes, but suggestion schemes can produce high levels of employee participation and real commercial results. I shall also publish review articles on latest movies, documentaries, gadgets, products, services, so on. google_ad_client = "ca-pub-7057920448327527"; /* 300x250, created 1/18/11 */ google_ad_slot = "4743063532"; google_ad_width = 300; google_ad_height = 250; Work Improvements through Suggestion Schemes. But it has a few big limitations. This is the point where many suggestion schemes fall over. Company suggestion boxes typically go through five main obstacles: Lack of ownership. They argue over a few ideas and never get through the backlog. In the case where you dont want to dump the boxes, make sure you dont ignore the smaller ideas your workers provide. The concept of a tatty wooden box in the rest area, probably more used to sweet wrappers than ingenious ideas, is part of workplace folklore. A suggestion system results into improvement in the organization which ultimately contributes to the cost reduction. This is shown in Fig 2. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(4247751, '5fa1504a-fe29-43f9-8712-8008d7a558b4', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); Many Idea Management Apps stop just when you need help most - taking the best ideas through planning to implementation. Successful implementation of a suggestion scheme does not depend on whether it is a complex scheme or a simple scheme but how the organization actually motivates its employees to participate actively in the scheme. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Please, enter your email address in order to subscribe to our newsletter. Employees gain a sense of pride about the organization when theyre given opportunities to participate Control. WebWhy do Suggestions Schemes Flop? Simply placing a suggestion box on the wall without any instructions encourages frivolity and unproductive suggestions. Suggestion schemes help in the process of initiating such modifications. Cons: Collecting suggestions is only the first step As we explained above, replicating the physical box in the cloud has some inherent advantages, but that will just get you so far. A reward scheme could include cash, public announcement through email or company newsletter, or an afternoon off. ARTICLES JUNCTION BLOG by Sandeep Patil and Manoj Patil. Suggestions are not oral but in writing, so the employee does not get a chance to explain his own suggestion. Each campaign is supported with posters and messages emphasising the importance of the request for ideas. The RAD Awards From classic review sites like Yelp! The traditional customer suggestion box has all but disappeared, to be replaced by various systems online. If you just ask for ideas you will get a lot of Wouldnt it be nice to have a summer picnic type suggestions. Successful businesses use suggestion schemes tap into the experience, skills and expertise of employees. Managers who are expected to take employee suggestions seriously may believe the process undercuts their authority. People dont get excited about putting things in boxes If employees see your online suggestion box the way they do the physical one, you arent likely to get more engagement. How technology is changing the way we work. The suggestion scheme has been defined as A suggestion scheme is a formal mechanism, which encourages employees to contribute constructive ideas for improving their organization. Copyright 2023 Talkfreely Limited. Too few Evaluators. The suggestion scheme process involves writing of suggestions on a predefined format by the employees of the organization and dropping the same in a suggestion box which is easily accessible. Destination Innovation
Give your employees a sense of belonging and the feeling that you value their input. Providing detailed explanations for why certain ideas are not feasible or publicizing the few that are pushed through to implementation can offset that sense of futility to some extent. Other suggestion platforms take a different approach altogether: Instead of casting an ultrawide net to scoop up the few big ideas, they aim to implement a larger percentage of incremental ideas. Small ideas can prepare your team to ready to any execute larger ideas that might come into the system. Even when you take the suggestion scheme outside the box, it needs to be handled correctly. But employees pay attention to whether their ideas truly stand a chance of securing resources. Unfortunately, the traditional suggestion scheme is not. As countless company owners have found, one great way to connect with workers is by implementing an employee suggestion system. After all, untapped employee creativity is a wasted organizational resource. Also, this system is often a magnet for unhappy or troublemaking employees. Employees find their job more meaningful and interesting when they participate in the decision making process. Jo Faragher looks at how to introduce a successful scheme. The best way to overcome this problem is with a rolling set of campaigns through the year. The concept of a suggestion scheme is simple. Advantages of employee suggestion box are given in the image below. Terms and conditions. A designated employee empties the suggestion box / boxes regularly at a predefined interval. Suggestion systems give Increase Revenue Organizations such as GE and P&G have introduced new product lines as a result of their employee suggestion programs. For others, the songs werent presented with any download history. We welcome you to submit your suggestions. Through the suggestion scheme, the employees can participate directly in the improvement of the productivity in the organization. Bailey has written for USAToday, Coldwell Banker, and various restaurant magazines, and is the ghostwriter for a nationally-known food safety training guru. The Seven Big Mistakes. They provide a two-way channel of communication between employees and management, with management accepting or rejecting employee suggestions and in some cases commenting on them. The best way to find this out is to ask them. Too often a scheme is launched with enthusiasm, only to become a black hole for employee suggestions that are never acknowledged or acted upon. Some schemes offer big financial rewards for big ideas but this is not necessary and may be harmful. If the chance of implementation seems trivial, people just wont bother to contribute ideas or theyll throw in safe, token suggestions and call it a day. Making the steps open and transparent will ensure buy-in across all levels. Required fields are marked *. Too few Evaluators. Youve done it! The accepted suggestions are then acknowledged to the suggestor. Suggestion systems give One successful company makes every line manager an initial idea evaluator and they have to respond to a new idea they receive within 4 working days. You can open the Challenge up to all, or to a selected group with specialist skills or knowledge. Criteria. Employees and management must understand that a suggestion box and the resulting employee suggestions take time to initiate. The ideas pour in, the person responsible is swamped, and great ideas get lost in the process. An effective Ideas Management App will assist you in ensuring that employee ideas are taken seriously and addressed on an ongoing basis. The employee ideas contribute to the achievement of high performance, excellence, and competitive advantage in the organization. Its a good indicator that people are trying to make the business better, says Jacki Connor, head of HR for retail and logistics at Sainsburys. That demands a lot of faith, faith that is often unfounded as youll see shortly. Eventually some lucky initiator may get a big reward but this can upset the people around him who contributed to the initial idea. This blog is updated and maintained by my co-author and webmaster Manoj Patil. People need to feel encouraged and rewarded for contributing ideas, not hidden away. This approach seems promising because futility may be the largest psychological roadblock to soliciting feedback digitally. Employee suggestion schemes have been used in organizations for a long time due to the fact that they enable fostering of creative ability of employees. Employees may become impatient when changes dont occur as quickly as they would like. Linda Ray is an award-winning journalist with more than 20 years reporting experience. Do be careful with cash rewards though. Without measurable results, enthusiasm will wane When you introduce something new, there tends to be excitement at first, but maintaining that enthusiasm requires tangible results. Many software systems allow both staff and management to track and update the status of an idea. A nominal financial reward for all ideas, not just the good ones, will also go down well. Company suggestion boxes typically go through five main obstacles: No wonder most companies are frustrated with their suggestion system! Copyright 2017 ARTICLES JUNCTION BLOG. Asking the Public for Suggestions Every successful business was built on giving the customer what he wanted or needed. Jo Faragher looks at how to introduce a successful scheme. There are many great software packages to help with idea collection and evaluation. A telecoms company received a suggestion that it should auction off its old and redundant stock to staff. In this way, you are giving people the confidence in their own ability to contribute to change and success. Suggestion schemes are also sources of innovation as they promote the implementation of new routines and facilitate the improvement and refinement of existing routines. Lack of quality. These are people who some might label as troublemakers. Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Consider this suggestion: ditch it for a system that works. Suggestion boxes in the manufacturing sector became popular in World War 2 and in the post war period. Required fields are marked *, How to develop the next billion Knowledge Workers, Digital transformation in manufacturing is not what you think it is, The human side of change management: lessons learned from Toyota, Airbus, and Silicon Valley. WebDisadvantages of employee suggestion box are followed: The superiors, sometimes may feel hurt by the suggestions of their subordinate. Suggestion schemes long predate the concept of knowledge management and consideration of the upward communication within the organization. Its prime purpose is to assist organizations in both the public and private sector. Everyone is well placed to suggest improvements in the way his job is done. Yet only 10% of those approved ideas actually sees the light of day. The important aspect is to utilize the employee creativity through employee driven innovation. In order to get the most beneficial responses, make those challenges: With an Employee App, each Challenge has its own virtual space. Fig 1 Typical process flow of employee suggestion scheme. and TripAdvisor to dedicated pages on company websites, businesses are taking their suggestion requests to homes and mobile devices. The organizational management, which understands the behaviour of the employees and creates a culture to drive employees creativity in the organization, propels the organization on the path of success. It is very evident that these factors play a considerable part in the success of suggestion People believe actions not words and they need to see ideas turning into real innovations. Through the ispatguru.com website I share my knowledge and experience gained through my association with the steel industry for over 54 years. Every employee at the factory works towards a common goal of achieving a 5.5% improvement in productivity each year driven by the fact that the factory, which produces automation, process control and electrical distribution products, is up against competitors in countries where labour and production costs are far lower. Managers and line managers are to be given complete freedom for implementation of the suggestion scheme. ", Business Models & Organizational Structure, How to Coach Employees for Improved Performance, How to Improve Organizational Effectiveness Through Transformational Leadership, Decisions Employees Can Make to Help Motivate Themselves. No Clear Goals. The success of a suggestion scheme lies not only in generating the creative suggestions but also in the implementation of these suggestions. Repackaging the fruit so it came in boxes of six has saved the company around 60,000 all thanks to a suggestion made to the companys Tell Justin ideas scheme, which has been running since 2004 and has so fargenerated around 57,000 ideas. Every business owner has met one: the worker who's never happy and is always complaining, regardless of the circumstances. to execute their own experiments. You have to clearly articulate would a good idea looks like e.g. Suggestion systems give It mostly seems useful because workers might interact more with the customer than their supervisors and, as a result, could be more aware of what their clients want. These criteria are namely (i) the idea does not violate the vision, mission and objectives of the organization, (ii) it improves the efficiency of processes, (iii) it improves the quality of the products or / and services, (iv) it Improves usages of resources, materials, and space etc., (v) it reduces damages, (vi) it cuts down service time and improves service standards, (vi) it cuts down wastages and helps in cost reductions, (vii) it simplifies the procedures and reduces paperwork, (viii) it improves the equipment designs and layouts, (ix) it helps in their better utilization, (x) it improves practices and routines, (xi) it improves the working environmental conditions including removal of hazards to health and possibilities of accidents, and (xii) it increases in the utilities, qualities, yields, or output of the products. A suggestion is different from advice and counseling as a suggestion can be given by anyone seniors as well as juniors. A reward scheme could include cash, public announcement through email or company newsletter, or an afternoon off. WebEmployee voice is the way people communicate their views to their employer and influence matters that affect them at work. Surrey
Staff becomes more loyal to a manager who uses their constructive suggestions. There are many critical success factors and barriers to suggestion schemes. Jo Faragher has been an employment and business journalist for 20 years. If it works and could potentially enhance your average customers experience, they could apply it to your business. Download our guide to help you choose the best option for you, your employees and your business. Such participation can be increased if employees develop a sense of belongingness to the organization. Sometimes the smallest ideas make a significant difference. Because you are no longer on the front lines directly encountering many of the organizations most pressing needs, you must rely on lower-level employees to share their observations and ideas. Employee suggestion schemes can be a powerful engine for new product growth, for cost savings and for improvements in all areas of the company. Hence, the suggestion scheme can benefit an organization significantly, if it is implemented with a correct approach. With an Ideas Management App, an effective feedback loop keeps everyone aware of incoming ideas and their progress within the system. That actively disengages people.. A company can then read the proposals from their suggestion boxes and apply them if they are affordable or necessary. An effective suggestion scheme also motivates employees to think creatively and to participate in the suggestion process. Staff can be sceptical about employee engagement initiatives, but this is tangible and shows that management are interested in what they have to say.. According to Anthony Denatale, operations manager of ideasUK an association that promotes employee involvement programmes a growing trend is for greater collaboration on suggestions: This may be a system where staff put in ideas, and other staff can vote, comment or expand on them., He adds that communicating the status of an idea to staff is key it maintains momentum in the scheme and reassures staff that their idea has not disappeared into a black hole: What youre trying to do is encourage behaviours, so dont be afraid to say no to an idea. Log in. Third, electronic suggestion boxes breed a sense of futility, much like their older-school physical counterparts collecting dust in the corners of offices. Employee Benefits One of the most obvious and simple though overlooked for the tapping the creativity of employees is the suggestion scheme. Circles of Influence: Do You Want Your Team Flexing Theirs? It can be instrumental in triggering customer satisfaction and employee satisfaction. Industrial suggestion systems trace their origin back to the 19th century. You can encourage participation by directing people to tackle specific problems and by personally (face to face, not through the online platform) asking employees to upload ideas. In the present day scenario, suggestion schemes have come a long way from anonymous post boxes or suggestion boxes to a sophisticated computer based electronic suggestion system. A transparent, open system for managing ideas is essential for, Create specific groups to take the idea forward, Enable co-creation and cooperation between employees, Build a virtual paper trail of activity to avoid duplication of effort, Access reliable, accurate costings and reporting, Employee Engagement Solutions: What You Need to Consider, Employee Engagement App - The Most Effective Channel. Putting a suggestion into a box means surrendering an idea, hoping that somebody else will look at it, care for it and approve it. No question. 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