If you could get one trait of Chris Evans as your own, what would it be and why, I read the question off of a cue card and place it at the back of the deck. We can also get Ben from London to officiate the wedding, I googled him and apparently hes an ordained minister. Summary: Their tag teaming was already enough, but when Y/n gets into the mix, hell becomes a place on Earth for Tom. Everything she does she puts her heart out. Are Tom Holland and Y/n Tom spoke, going to rip off the paper, you spoke before he did so. "They're called Mneskin," I then break into a laugh, "and I had, like, a mental break down when I found out that they weren't in their 30's and were just in thier 20's," I sigh and throw my hands up, "I'm" I give a confused look, "so old? It then cut to a clip of Lizzie who rubbed the bridge of her nose before speaking. Feel free to check out my other writings too! A middle aged lady asked you politely. scarlettjohansson tomhiddleston tomholland Table of contents Last updated Feb 18, 2022 What to do "Hate when secrets reveal themselves" Avenger cast x teen reader "Noting hurts more than watching them love another" Cast x Sebastian Stan sister "Don't listen if someone says you aren't good enough" Peter Parker x sister Peter Parker x sister Sorry!! "Well, miss, you've come to the right place.". Feel free to check out my other writings too! I know she would try to thank everyone in this limited time and I dont doubt a great number of you will be getting 'Thank You texts. He joked, making the majority of the room chuckle. They do pay us back and yet I still buy them food. Chris is in a suit and shades. The next clip was numerous clips put together of you three talking about the same thing, your addiction to using their money to buy you food. Their attention was cast upon a post with a screenshot of a Youtube video. Fun ensues on set, in interviews, and at home with her new roommate. Since he was occupied with a lot of other work you tried to not bother him, even though he insisted his wife was never a bother. if any of it doesnt match up with you just ignore it ok i love you you are beautiful the way you are but also we can all improve !! A/N:Dont you just love AUs? You scanned over the numerous titles displayed on the TV before your eyes landed on a video with you and Tom. Especially after some of them fangirled over you. Y/n just sunk into the couch as the three made their way over. Hey do you accept request? Chris Evans x Actress!ReaderSummary: If you scroll through youtube deep enough, you'll find a vid titled "15+ mins of Evans-Y/L/N moments that live in my head rent free. Reason being is that I am not a part of it. Okay. Thank you all. Everyone clapped as he was escorted off stage. <3, I just want to make sure you received it. The next clip was from your Oscar win. The clip showed him on stage looking down at the award before speaking. Dear, Scarlett and Lizzie- you began getting interrupted by Josh. You turned to Tom beginning to say goodbye. It was slightly short but I hope you guys enjoy this at least! Chris Evans x Actress!Reader Summary: Literally all the evidence suggests you and Chris are together, just give up."No (:" -you Word Count: 2k+ Warnings: Fluff, i still used Y/N grrrrrrrrr, actress au, crack fic lol, etc. trust issues t.h. A/N: if someone requests another evans crackfic, Im going to set tumblr on fire. You were going to come in support of Tom anyway, but Jimmy invited you both in the end. But we ended up going with Sky Rocket because its a very literal and figurative sense. Before you answer, yes, it is your fault. As soon as you opened the door, your Beagle puppy, Mason, greeted you. Stitches are temporary and death is permanent. Y/n responds which causes the interviewer to laugh. The females, as expected, were tame with their teasing and overall joking. So, the interviewer asks Chris, what do we think of Y/N?, Well, we think shes great. a dude being a huge creep. Chris breaks into a left booby grab laugh. OJMYGOD i need more crackfics . Amazing! this mini series literally made my night. He shakes his head in disagreement. "Word Count: 1k+Warnings: Crack fic themes, fluff, typos, misogyny, etc. Just because he had unlimited bread options as Captain America doesnt mean he can just steal my french toast too., Yeah, sigh, its just not right. I look up and pretend to hold back tears. My brother and I love space, and well sky can be the representation of the grace ballet requires, and rocket the quickness of hiphop.. Nothing because; what does- where do snitches end up? Paul asked from between Elizabeth and Y/n. Even though they still look beautiful I revoke my comments until I get the proper treatment. you finished up the interview after that and went to take more photos with others. I too really enjoyed doing the clickbait articles HAHA. I dont- I dont- you know they give me the whole script I dont know, Paul shrugged again and both Lizzie and Y/n scoffed at him. You are going to get the same treatment Benny Boy got but this time Ill aim for the face. This prompted Tom Holland to hide behind Tom Hiddleston who laughed but quickly spoke up. MASTERLIST DING-DONG . Nonetheless I will try to finish majority of the asks before doing the Loki idea I had. There needs to be context to that. They are putting me in such a bad light to the public. Dont you just get heart eyes when you see him? Whenever they were doing a press event with the entire Marvel cast you were busy doing a show. "Ha, ha," he calls out dryly. Teyonah and Kathryn you, as per usual, look beautiful, Y/n pointed at Lizzie who smiled wide at them and blew a kiss. You can be on screen and kiss and be lovey dovey, ok? I have? he scrunches his brows, causing annoyance to gently rise up to myneck. Tom Holland moved to sit next to her and start brainstorming. L-like I was considering turning all my conversations, interactions- hell all of my award speeches into me praising him instead. You joked and Tom chuckled beside you keeping his eyes on you again, your hands still together like they were glued. But I do very much like this band. Dont be afraid to request via my ask anonymously or even in my DMs, I usually respond pretty quick. "It's going to be okay Y/N . Lizzie nods rolling her eyes at Pauls statement pointing in his direction. You started the night off right yelling compliments to Scarlett and Lizzie who maybe- definitely ignored you and just smiled at the paparazzi. Who doesn't, right? Now you are here quarantining in Atlanta. I have an idea where the actress!reader is a good friend of the two Toms, and every time she shouts tom, both of the men always looks at her at the same time. Tom gasped in shock and you rolled your eyes. I think Green looks amazing on Lizzie, but I did google you recently Paul and it looks a bit 'meh on you. The video is in black and white. Josh I am not problematic to the public, I am problematic to Scarlett and Lizzie. your response causes Josh Horowitz to laugh and point at you through the screen. After making a face and laughing, atthis point, James cued for a commercial break and I shifted slightly in my seat. But they gave you a fake version of the whole script, Lizzie retorted, stating indeed a true fact. Y/n got up for a second pulling Tom towards the couch to sit with them, sitting in the middle turning to Tommy to answer. i write things for people you may know / MASTERLIST / requests are closed!!!! Sebastian, Anthony, and Y/n Bullying Tom Holland for 7 minutes. S-Scared of Tom? Chris Evans x Actress!ReaderSummary: How does it feel to lose to an Italian group of 20 year olds, Chris?Word Count: 1k+Warnings: Mneskin because I wanted to add them, dont fight me on this i need a plot, crack fic, fluff, i still use y/n /:, google translated Italian for like one sentence, typos, jealousy, etc. Chris Evans x Actress!Reader Summary:Literally all the evidence suggests you and Chris are together, just give up. Actually you are thoroughly impressed he manged to fit the skirt on his waist and. He calls me once a day like im his parent, hell, it may be even more than that. We sprain ourselves a lot, and usually it only takes hot and cold compress to get everything back to normal. He then burst into a high pitched giggle, waving me off with occupied hand,Stop it., I scrunched my face up and chuckled softly,Sorry., After a few moments of giddiness, James wiped his forehead with both his left and right fingers and turned to the man beside me,Hear that Chris. Chris complains, suddenly fumbling something behind him. She huffed out a breath and began walking down stairs to ask Anthony for his opinion. You sighed looking around a bit. Best friends seems a bit much, good friends on the other hand are pretty nice. Uh, but we actually wanted to be called Mikado at first. Thanks for checking in love <3. Dakota Estillette, a relatively average girl, is cast as Madeline Joyce, better known as Miss America. After being scolded by the producers and the wardrobe team, Chris had to get his pants changed. Avengers Cast X Reader. Hope you enjoy this one! Except no one believed that. This woman has got a grip on me Jimmy. You just laughed. Ah, I look up, I would say my current obsession is this Italian group I encountered. I clarify, well, Im not really in the business of being obsessed anymore, I think, I sigh and shake my head, not since my One Direction phase. The video cuts to you standing a distance away from the propped up phone, you looking out into the water with your hands on your waist. Y/n you always talk about Tom and your relationship especially like the beginning days and you say those were the worst days of your life always. Jimmy laughs as his sentence ends and you let out a loud laugh gripping Toms hand who just laughs and stares at you with a loving look. The clips showed you messing with Scarletts dress and she kicked at you which you laughed at, hands going up to protect yourself. I shift in my seat, one day-. Tonight, you were a guest on The Late, Late Show with Chris Evans.Word Count: 2k+Warnings: Fluff, sarcasm, lots of lols, screaming, sass, not so vivid dancing descriptions, really cheesy ending (nice), etc. The video came to an end. Now you wouldnt be you if you didnt bother Scarlett or Lizzie at least five times tonight. Dont be afraid to request via my ask anonymously or even in my DMs, I usually respond pretty quick. Chris gives you a look and attitude, "hotter than you, surely.". omg i have a custom footer message? Including interviews and bloopers. I mean, what could I have ever thought about if not dating a tough cookie. It was one time! he says, pitch rising. You were still going strong on Broadway taking up different roles and Tom was still Spider-Man. As soon as he stepped foot into the hall you were having the party in though, all hell broke loose. Shes great., Yeah, and we know how playful and wild your interviews can get., Chris purses his lips in a soft smile and shakes his head, shes a tough cookie, you know?, I mean, a cookies a cookie. Whether it be shows or films. You thought for a second moving to sit up, hitting Tom in the process causing laughter to ring out through the room. You know that apparently nearly 20% of workers experience workplace bullying? He asked you, the audience laughing at him. Dude, Shes Just Not Into You | White Bread | The Other Guy | 400 Flowers, I hope i tagged everyone and I hope yall enjoy and leave comments and stuff!!! Summary: Their tag teaming was already enough, but when Y/n gets into the mix, hell becomes a place on Earth for Tom. Chris Evans x Actress!Reader Summary: You and Chris were lovers in a major motion picture. Like he fell in love with her all over again? Theres no rush, yup I have your request I was going to start working on it tomorrow or tonight! In 2021, MARVEL Studios sets out to film 'Avengers: Reassembled'. Wait till my mom hears about this. Just googled you guys and now I understand why we cant get married. Same setting, different time and interviewer. Tom Hiddleston watched them with even more confusion as they tried to think of nicknames. In the end though every Marvel fan, and the Russo brothers, know that Wanda and Vision just need me in their life. You picked up the phone quickly turning it towards your camera showing Toms Caller ID, British Kid, would like to facetime. But I do very much like this band. Hope you enjoy this. A/N: So i made a mood boaRDDDD!!!! Little Coworker (Request) MCU cast members x gn!child!co-star!reader. Youll be surprised when I tell you this. You looked at him, eyes widening and leaning forward waiting for him to continue. A/N: Glad you enjoyed the Sleepless Night fic!! Using that answer as a segue. Im slowly making my way through my asks so no worries all request will eventually be written. I hope you guys enjoy! Chris says casually, I think Im pretty good looking., Well, thats what makes you ugly, I turn to the interviewer, no one likes a self-aware hot guy., Chris smiles, keeping his eyes fixed on me, so you agree?. You called Tom back waiting for him to pick up, when he did he gave a mock surprise and you deadpanned. I saw Scarlett and Elizabeth and complimented them numerous times and yet not one word was uttered to me. You spoke to the interviewer on the Endgame Premiere carpet, raising your volume a bit over the noise. Oh, wait, thats right! No, not you Tom the other Tom. Once she looked up they both still looked confused. I place a hand on my jaw and hum in thought. Its going to sound like Im talking about a type of underground drug. Y/n grabbed her phone again just starting to look up a random nickname generator. The scene is set in a red carpet event. The rest of the main cast showed up near your trailer and you unlocked the door. Tom held the board jokingly, pulling it away from your reach as you kept going to grab at it. !Heres a p3 i guess lol, I raise a hand and shake my head, okay, lets get one thing straight. Summary: (requested by @ maximeevansblog) It's the reader's first film in Marvel with their father, Chris Hemsworth. No. Like first we would be acting together so I was thinking, 'In the end if we break up Marvel better let one of us go because I wasnt going to be able to walk past him knowing I let him go. You explained and a mix of 'aws and laughs erupted from the crowd. What? He asked, still laughing at you and you were quick to say no. You are-- dare I say-- turned on. "Thats crazy. We could include our middle initials. He tried. 1998 yankees coaching staff; avengers cast x actress reader interview. "Ah," I look up, "I would say my current obsession is this Italian group I encountered." Cause you are and act like a child, meanwhile Tom is an adult. I will also probably post a little question post about what you guys want to see and also some updates! Thats how Ill start. All graphics are done by me too :). This writing wasnt gender neutral but I do gender neutral writings too so dont worry. Oh no, never that, I was scared of messing up. You put it on vibrate, you were unable to put it on Do Not Disturb because you had been waiting for an important message, and if it wasnt obvious Tom wasnt that important message. Feel free to check out my other writings too! Warnings: Creepers. Warnings: None. A small world aint it? Y/n smiled wide at them as they laughed again at the absurdness. The video finally cut to you being able to pull the paper off. Evans, Hemsworth and Robert would act like protective parents and Paul Rudd and Mark Ruffalo would attempt to be protective. Here are the other "parts" of this, but for the final time its not a series, you don't have to read them to understand this. Then maybe after they solve this problem, for the last part (?) I guess you look handsome Paul. Word Count: 1152 A/N: This idea is inspired from this post from @yourmcu which I loved the idea of. He shouldve taken care of himself more.. Each time you would respond you would roll your eyes at their nonsense. He may not be named Tom but he has a T in his name and thats good enough for me.. In a few seconds though, I turn to my shoulder and utter one word, security., Im really curious, the interviewer asks, how did this all start? Are you verbalizing a letter to them? you glared at him not speaking a word only your breathing could be heard, he laughed going off camera a bit. Thats boring. Y/n whined and Tom Holland agreed. ", WAIT I COULDNT BELIEVE IM LATE FOR THE PARTY ughhh this series issa good,, GOOD .. im really really enjoying this to the point screaming and giggling for the past 30 mins waw this just makes my day, HAHAAHH i dont think youre late for anything. Once you finished the video you couldnt take the smile off your face as you grabbed your phone deciding to tweet another thing before taking a nap. You and Tom were on Jimmy Kimmel both promoting your new movies. Uh, I was just looking for the right type of yarn and color to make some gifts," you smiled at her. But you just couldn't help yourself and snuck in his changing room, swapping out his trousers for a skirt they had in your own wardrobe. The interviewer chuckled. if any of it doesnt match up with you just ignore it ok i love you you are beautiful the way you are but also we can all improve !! Genuine question. Y/A = Your Age Actually you are thoroughly impressed he manged to fit the skirt on his waist and--. Dont be fooled by them and their charm, if I had the power Wanda had I would use it in a heartbeat.. Every single photo of us together no matter if it be them and I, Lizzie and them, or us all together Y/n is eating something we bought them. Scarlett explained. She is such an amazing and caring woman that puts so much pride and work into her craft. How many times do I have to tell you that dog wasnt mine, it was my exs, and do you know what ex means? A bang was heard before a boy and girl came into . Meeting the Cast (Avengers Cast x Teen!Reader) Hope you enjoy it! They literally made a bunch of money off of their older movies. I just I want America to know that that man you love so much, is a glutton for gluten. You are dare I say turned on. I keep my gaze on our interviewer as I lean back on my chair and clasp my hands together, I think for me, when I was getting into filming the more graphic scenes, it was just really important to immerse myself enough to make it believable, but also I made sure not to let myself fall into deep in scenes where it gets too heavy., I turn to Seb, hes delved into war films before, so he might have a different answer., Sebastian to my right, suddenly whips his head to me, wait, what?, I turn to him, placing my hands on my lap, youve done a war film before.. Love is a bit strong to use. Josh started, trying to get a reaction out of you. Y/n does this thing where they just know how to make you tick and make you wish you had the capability of your own character. Lizzie explained in an interview on the carpet. Pairing: Elizabeth Olsen x platonic!actor!reader, Paul Bettany x platonic!actor!reader. I forgot what part I played exactly. You responded, pretending to think. Pairing: Elizabeth Olsen x platonic!actor!reader, Paul Bettany x platonic!actor!reader Warnings: slight cursing. I dont know but what I can tell you is that Wanda gal and Vision dude are not it, They sat up more punctually, ready to go on a tangent. ALSO I CANT BELIEVE I WROTE AND FINISHED 3 FICS TODAY! Let me know what you think! Anthony without hesitation answers. He always talked about how fun it was being apart of the Marvel cast. Any member of the Avengers cast X Reader . Are you a curse or something? You turned toward her deadpanned face as she just stared at you. We really need to figure this whole thing out. Tom Hiddleston motioned between him and Tom Holland. A tweet appeared on the screen, it was one you tweeted from that night. The two men to my side nodded at my answer. Tom and Y/n Hiddleston moments that make me have faith, and high standards, for true love. Tom anyway, but Jimmy invited you both in the end though every Marvel fan and! 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David Caruso House, Articles A