Economists are seeing a 10% unemployment rate for the rest of the year, and some are saying the official rate of 13% is wrong according to the BLSs own data and its actually 16%. General Information & Requirements I will try to give the supervisor some idea of when (like Im planning to take a week off in July) but never give exact days until I book and input them. Play by play bragging is one thing that CC is excellent for and I certainly did that last year! in instagram and realising that she posted before making the request? Starting April 15, when a partner attests to a customers acceptance of the MCA, the customer will receive an email notification from Microsoft informing them of the partners attestation. If it is simply to The Harold Lloyd Murphy Graduate School announces that all test requirements (GRE, MAT, and GMAT) will be waived for new admissions for the 2022 Spring Term. OP and Co-Manager needed to talk with Jane about timing and her possible promotion proactively. Today, to my surprise, my boss called my attention to a tweet that Jane had shared, publicly on her personal account, announcing that shed been accepted to grad school. graduation choose board invitations Im not that emotional, I just want to spend my time on impactful change at my workplace. I totally agree! I do not have to ask for permission to book a vacation. Once you have reached a decision, don't look back. As others have stated above: can she do what she wants on her personal social media? It kind of seems to me like all the bosses are overreacting. The difficult decisions are over. I dunno, its asking a lot of people to express gratitude that the huge bureaucratic process surrounding a raise I havent earned yet is being navigated by people who are paid to do so. Its a very important job, and youre on the front lines of every complaint, snarky comment, message with a really detailed question, news update, etc. The admissions process varies for each applicant and program and the School of Graduate Studies cannot provide specific dates for admission decisions. When I was accepted to grad school while working at a bank everyone told me I should still just give them two weeks notice. The lack of communication on both sides is what got them here. If I was Jane I would immediately block all of these people. If you have someone above entry-level doing that, though, youd presumably be able to give them a little more autonomy. By the way, Im in my mid 30s for any reference point. I was really surprised to read that she bought tickets before making the request. She is allowed to share with her followers, presumably people who are her friends, family, or people who otherwise care about her, good news, without expecting retaliation from her job. After seeing heThis sounds more like a two-way communication proble. But sad that youre going to be leaving us, haha! The thing with publicly available social media accounts is that theyre publicly available, which means anyone can see them. Janes one mistake was not communicating to her managers at the same time she informed via social media. Id argue that if they dont have enough experience that youd give them a role where theyre making major branding decisions on their own / writing and sending out press releases without someone signing off on them / otherwise handling major communications responsibilities, you shouldnt do it with social media either. It is important to set those expectations from the start. In the nonprofit space, Ive worked for teams that had more junior social media staffer report into a non-Communications boss because of the size and evolution of the team. Sending regular life updates via social media is great for grandmas and cousins and college friends. I think its fairly unreasonable to assume someone going to grad school is going to immediately quit without even bothering to consult them. The proposed alternative: hire 10,000 U.S. military veterans instead. Say you are deferring for 2020, but havent decided about the future. I dont see how this is any different. And someone suggested retiring Percivals name, though iirc it wasnt used much previously anyway. I got both of my graduate degrees while working full-time so unless its in another state and they dont have an online option Im confused why people are freaking out. Nothing here even suggests that Jane wanted a promotion or knew one was being (slowly) negotiated on her behalf. But all of my accts (Fb, twitter, IG) are private so I know whos seeing it. They do have to call in favors and use up some of their capital. If receiving department financial aid, the deadline to respond to the offer of admission is April 15. I shared it with close friends/family the day of, then over the next few days posted on social media. My two cents : leave it until the spring, and, if you must, try to keep it low-key, brief and confined to informing people of the school youve chosen to attend, rather than all the ones you/they got into. Ive also tried to do promotions behind the scenes (and the pandemic makes it more challenging to navigate) where the direct doesnt know about it, so I certainly cant be mad if they make life plans! (And if she changes her mind about grad school and stays, that attitude might continue.). To me, it sounds like a regular life update thats been blown way out of proportion by her superiors. In alignment with the latest guidelines to prevent the spread of COVID-19, Peirce Colleges physical campus will remain closed until December 31, 2021 Changing College Graduation Plans During The Pandemic Most of the class of 2020 experienced canceled or online-only graduation ceremonies, but this year many colleges are finding creative ways to. And Im kind of left wondering why *hasnt* anyone talked to Jane about this yet?? Thats not something she should bring up, or ask Jane to specifically tell anyone else. As for social media that no reasonable person would expect several members of their company leadership to be closely following again, agree, except that OP added about the instagram/vacation incidents but didnt make clear who knew about the instagram posts or how (or the timeline in relation to requesting the vacation, as I mentioned in a comment above so sorry for the repeat!) As such I think OP and Jane both believed this to be confidential (or unofficial). announcements We simply dont know anything about Janes career ambitions, funding, the quality of her specific program or much anything else really. I got accepted to grad school for fall 2021 and then put it on Twitter, thered be no issue. And she also may not ACTUALLY know how much work theyre doing on this promotion. Starbucks continues to improve its corporate social responsibility practices to address the concerns of different stakeholder groups. It said though that this was shared on Janes personal account, not the work account. First, choosing among graduate programs is challenging. Press J to jump to the feed. You can choose to accept or decline admission through the Check Status page. I think its conscientious not to monitor your employees private social media and and, in general, I think managers should acknowledge that at will employment truly works both ways *in reality* instead of employees being forced to adhere to managements skewed views about what is and is not conscientious and responsible.. Fax 574-631-4183 Especially having had some information that Jane asked be kept confidential. I am the social media director for a large federal agency, and while I am very fairly compensated and appreciated, so many leaders assume any recent grad can do my job. [Prepare for graduate school success with these tips.]. This will be in the evenings [or whatever] rather than just a statement about deferring it to 2021? Phone 574-631-7706 (Graduate Admissions) or 574-631-7544 (Main Office) Social media isnt your private club. Exactly. Ive been in the were working really hard to get you a promotion position before, and, if I had prioritized that instead of moving on, Id bet real money Id still be waiting today. WebYou can do anything you want on LinkedIn. April 3, 2023. I was furloughed due to the pandemic, and my boss still texted me to ask if I planned to work and go to school at the same time. For a more formal announcement include first, middle, and last name. That is so, so, so inappropriate. When choosing an MBA program, professional development and career advancement are often top objectives. Scripture is saying when we try to hold onto things in our life, well lose them. If OP and the bosses had been more open and clear that she was going to be promoted, maybe Jane wouldnt be making other plans. So, she already told her employer, by any reasonable standard, before her companys upper management discovered this on Twitter. Several different kinds of graduate school options, this is 2020 after all, Yeah I wondered about that as well, as my feeling (as a non-US-er) was that many grad school programmes are online or in the evening etc. I would be vastly surprised if she doesnt. I dont get the sense anyone in the comments is scandalized by Janes behavior. She announced to the LW that she was accepted. 25K in funding. I dont think that the fact that she runs the office social media changes anything. It looks like you threw all responsibility to her when she already did tell you. In a different scenario, I can see us getting a letter from a manager who is ticked that their direct report told the grandboss something like this before the manager could prep her. Agreed 100%. I use social media to communicate big news to family and friends because its the easiest way to spread the word without having to call/text 30+ people. But this isnt a perfect world, and the reality is that sometimes even a very well deserved promotion takes a lot of work behind the scenes, and its appropriate to demonstrate gratitude for that work. But once Jane put it on social media, management was understandably concerned. This is what they do. Two weeks notice is the standard if Jane was going to quit, and if not, she still made zero indication that she would be quitting. Additionally, I think a number of these moments would have been good opportunities for the OP to have more frank conversations with Jane around their organizations workplace norms as well as perhaps increased sensitivities regarding COVID norms. That said, youre absolutely right it sounds like a bunch of management is really upset overa mildly dumb tweet, at best. Furthermore, deferring for a year and especially with a pandemic its a long time. If shes doing a PhD, well, thats the primary goal of most PhD students. Did Jane specifically say she was going to be leaving for grad school. And I think a lot of young people do as well except their telling my friends and family includes posting it on social media because its 2020. Well sure, but unless its a well-known online program in her field or she put will be attending online in the tweet, I think most people would assume shes moving. Recommended Reading: Ashworth College Accreditation. Which isnt a bad idea. She popped back and pretended to get something from the printer. However, this puts me in an embarrassing position. ThoughtCo, Jul. the leaving isnt the issue (like I wrote in the post); its the announcing publicly before telling the people it would impact. That much is unclear, so it seems very odd that management is taking her mere acceptance into school so personally. Get over it. New announcement for PGWP holders: Canadas Immigration Minister, Sean Fraser, recently announced an exciting new policy that will benefit international students and recent graduates. It seems like Jane has texted OP rather than use the official channels because at this point Jane sees it as an off the record favour/confidante-protegee/personal-rather-than-professional interaction with the boss, rather than being part of the management structure. Starting April 3, 2023 - Ending April 3, 2024 Google Plus One; Share on Facebook; Tweet Widget; News & Events. Doing so will extend your influence and promote user-generated content. If your institution's e-transcript provider requires an email address in order to send your official transcript electronically to Graduate Admissions, you can provide them with an email address from the list below: Graduate Admissions - Camden. Older generations seem to feel that a Millennial and youngers social media account is a reflection on them as an employee, but really, its just a sounding board for information, chatting, and funny memes. Its been a few weeks since she told the OP of her acceptance, so I dont really see whats wrong with putting it on social media that she was accepted. I agree. For example, in our state virtually every MBA program has a working plan. Indeed, many firms began to compete with each other over who can have most Facebook fans or Twitter followers. What to Do When You Are Accepted to Grad School Get Excited. The video, a focal point of the campaign, has generated more than 2.8 million views on YouTube. Cest la vie. I was planning on not announcing on social media until all the paperwork was submitted but my family started telling all their friends (despite my specifically requesting them not to) so I just said what the heck and announced it. With more than 150 top-ranked masters and doctoral degree programs, an impressive research enterprise and an amazing location, USF is the ideal university to continue your education. Social media has transformed the way college coaches are recruiting athletes. Canadian undergrad with math major and stats minor at a Canadian uni with a 90.8% (converted to 3.92/4) average in upper level courses relating to degree. I am firmly in the businesses, as a whole, have set the expectation, dont be upset when employees follow it. Not really, butas Alison mentioneda common entry-level mistake. Now she sees there isnt much prospect of moving on at this company and so is seeking to do the grad school now to improve her prospects (here or elsewhere) and didnt expect the bosses to be monitoring her social media. We know that making workplaces more accessible benefits everyone, not just those with disabilities. The majority of students will be attending school online in the fall, she may intend to work full time and go to school. Upload a photo for your Stanford ID Card by logging in through the Upload link. Starbucks endeavor to rid the country of any kind of bias is just another two-bit shame game masquerading as progress. To me, this isnt different than announcing a pregnancy on social media. The second red flag was LW writing a letter to an uninvolved third party and going over all the detailsincluding the first red flaginstead of talking to Jane about it. And with vacation, the issue is that if you buy plane tickets before asking for the day off, a good manager will not want to ask you to cancel your (usually non-refundable) trip, which puts pressure on her to approve it even if there are valid reasons to say no. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Many of my fellow students also did so while working full time jobs. Sure. Yeah, I wondered this too. I might be in the minority here, but I think you need to take a step back. And why are Janes grand-boss and the president of the company watching her personal Twitter account? No, its not. LW could have made an assumption and written about it in a very misleading way, but as written it LW is saying she was asked to keep the acceptance quiet, along with the application. I would be pretty annoyed and maybe a little hurt at all of this speculation and conversation going on behind my back if I were her. Because if the former, she already did tell her boss that she had been accepted and was deferring till 2021. I dont feel weirdly entitled to my family members life events that Im not a direct part of tho, so I might be an outlier. Regardless, many applicants feel both elated and puzzled after receiving word of their acceptance to graduate school. Is this an organization where everyone just expects to be privy to the personal education plans of entry-level staff? If you are thinking about earning a masters degree in psychology, or any field, you need to closely examine your online presence. While Surfing our website, you need to understand that narrowing your options is simple. Anxiety is a funny thing. Keep it real: give prospective students real ways to interact with current students on your social channels. Until the people in charge of managing, hiring, and promoting other people agree with that, its really short-sighted to proceed as if those are private communications. Life happens. They involved another lead then another departments manager got involved. My friend was lamenting the fact that Facebook was adding an extra layer of stress to the process. This is so bizarre to me. Thats a good point, but the person in my company who does social media runs EVERYTHING through their boss, who oftentimes runs things through their boss. That strategy makes sense; if she failed to win any acceptances, she wouldnt want to jeopardize her career path at the company. Maybe this is really a classic management misunderstanding that employees that are at entry-level positions for years but are maybe totally someday probably maybe certainly on track to maybe get a promotion some day soonish but not too soon are actually smart to bail on that process instead of coddling some executives feelings. Again, its not a question of professional norms. When someone asks what grad school is like: "I have no friends and I never leave my house." If her tweet was meant to be news for her friends and family then she probably wasnt thinking about people she worked with. We were all there once. (Maybe, but its not recommended.). Yeah it looks like she told her boss and her grandboss that she planned to go to grad school at some point. Lets assume its a two-year MA program (doctoral programs are obviously longer). There is actually, she told LW she is and will be deferring her enrollment to 2021. Thats why she should have had an official conversation with her company before she put it out on social media. Schedule a campus visit: Whether or not you have done so already, now is a great time to visit the campus. People are going out of their way to get her a promotion. Sure, but she had also asked that her plans be kept confidential. . Success! Boxplots of GRE Q and GRE V for people who reported both scores. school letter acceptance sample students letters open I wouldnt call this a rookie mistake. Her bosses should stop monitoring her personal social media because its creepy. She knows all about this stuff. The fact is, knowing how to use it in your personal life is miles and miles and miles different from using it professionally. As for the notification, I would never expect one of my three-levels-down direct reports to tell me directly about grad school six months out. We just yesterday decided on a promotion and a huge raise for you. I shrugged. Has that been lost already? Thats very old and tone deaf way of looking at social media. Why should Jane tiptoe around and put her grad school / life on hold because her employers too incompetent to make a deserved promotion happen? Although Starbucks is currently finding ways to minimize our environmental footprint, tackle climate change, and inspire others to do the same , there should be constant effort to make business operations more environmentally friendly to gain social acceptance. First, hearing the news of grad school, even 12-15 months in advance would kill promotion talk. She doesnt really owe her bosses more than a few weeks notice. He scrolls and she is in the feed at that moment. Also, like others pointed out, just bc she got accepted doesnt mean shes quitting. . #1: School or Program Prestige. 1. Does she request a meeting? But if Jane isnt planning to leave her employment, I dont see how this is a misstep at all. PO Box 401102 Charlottesville, VA 22904 434-243-0209 One is, things being what they are right now, are we sure that Jane intends to begin in Fall 2020? If its not affecting her schedule, she doesnt owe them details imo, but knowing that they see her social media, it may have been easier just to tell them as a courtesy. This timing is due to a resolution adopted by the Council of Graduate Schoolsthat permits admitted applicants to wait until April 15 to accept offers of admission and financial assistance. Its a problem with your process for promoting entry-level employees. I dont see the big deal, overall. 4. WebOnline admissions decisions and financial aid eligibility will be released in mid-December through the admissions portal. Right now due to seniority I know that the next vacation I take that is contested I will be the person who wins (if you use your seniority you go to the bottom of the list and work your way back up, and Ive never had to do that so have stayed at the top) so I go ahead and book the trip ahead of time with the good prices and then request the leave later. The fact that it was a confrontation with LW and not a conversation feels like there are other issues. Its a sign of respect for the relationship. If entry-level promotions require smoke-filled rooms and complex deals, then something is profoundly broken at that company. That said, yes be careful with social media that your boss might see. I wanted those to be confidential, but I was made aware that they had to share the info with my manager if we were going to move beyond the first discussion. Dont Miss: How Many Majors Are There In College. I think this is a letter that could use clarifying details. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Applications are accepted to the PhD program only. I agree! And maybe asking if she is going to still work for company or of she needs flexibility for classes. If you have a large following or platform and your account is public, then you need to be a little more cautious about what you share and how you share it. I am a bit confused by the bosses scrutinizing her personal social media unless shes posting and linking to her personal on professional posts usually it would be coming directly from the companys handles, not Janes, and otherwise she seems to be doing a great job. WebApplication Assessment Period. Its that time! WebThe first step is to pick which department youd like to join. I am saying that, once she had made the decision to go to grad school, she should have told her employer directly before she made the information publicly available. Oh come on. What would happen is the social media person would often find themselves making a lot of autonomous decisions without being plugged into greater organizational strategy meetings. Field Notes: New Field Guide entrant MagicCube is trying to establish itself as a major player in the PIN-on-mobile field using commercially available, off-the-shelf devices. Would your response be the same if Jane announced her pregnancy first on Twitter to, you know, the people who actually know her and are invested in her life, instead of company leadership, the people who she sells her labor to? Jane has engaged in this type of behavior before announcing travel that she has not requested time off for on social media. Was this recently, or was it when she was relatively new. $15.5K funding for first year. I dont think its creepy, but I do think its inappropriate for managers to monitor their employees own social media accounts. The No. 1. 2. You May Like: Easiest State School To Get Into. It was the third consecutive admissions cycle in which Dartmouth received more than 28,000 applications for its first-year class. Prepare to relocate: Most institutions can help, but you will need to do a lot on your own. Get your bearings. Maybe LW doesnt need to take the lead, but Ive found that in cases where my boss needs to know something I know about my direct reports, it helps to flag that for them. WebAt Rice University, admissions are handled at the department level. I mean, she did go out on limb not a long limb, but a limb to mentor Jane and to keep Janes secretand then Jane blasts it out over Twitter. You can take them out to dinner, send them flowers, or give them a gift certificate, but at minimum, send a thank you message, note or card. Jane has been with us over two years and we would like to promote her, something shes clearly earned, but our progress has been stalled by the pandemic. Enjoy your success. Its not weird for people to feel like why am I finding out in this manner instead of to my face? and the argument that an intentionally public and open to everyone forum is something they shouldve actively avoided sidesteps that. An advantage of doing it this way is that since no one knows you are coming, you will experience things as they really are. I dont understand why everyone makes it about being ticked off or upset or doing something wrong. It is common courtesy to have an official, professional conversation with your company yourself. tuition contractor wordtemplatesonline scholarships subcontractor tution Im sure in Janes mind, she did what was needed. Carefully read every email, text, or letter you receive from your college. Of course, its all well and good to read about all the ways you could be improving your enrollment marketing strategy with social media. That is the part where she asked for confidentiality. The only thing I really agree with here is that you shouldnt announce a vacation (or buy tickets) until you have secured the time off. Use our tips and tools to guide your way. graduation simplytoimpress Her announcement does not necessarily mean shes leaving. I think in the past few years, I myself posted one photo and maybe 2-3 articles I found interesting and worth sharing. Yes, if at all possible, it needs to be overseen exactly like a news release or a brochure. Jane made the request for confidentiality, and Jane can waive it when shes no longer concerned about confidentiality. [ or whatever ] rather than just a statement about deferring it to 2021 decision, do n't look.. Though, youd presumably be able to give them a little more autonomy from. I found interesting and worth sharing possible, it sounds like a regular life update thats been blown way of... ( doctoral programs are obviously longer ) personal life is miles and miles and miles and miles and miles miles... 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